As I take advantage of Everly’s precious nap time I thought I’d write a little post about my experience with her labour and delivery. This is for any of you curious folks out there - I know I was very curious/anxious about labour and delivery and read a lot of others experiences.
One week ago today I was in labour - how crazy is that!?
Disclaimer - this post may have a little too much detail for you to handle!
I had a feeling she was going to make an early appearance. I was 38 +5 Weeks along and feeling more and more exhausted and anxious every day. The night of February 17th there was a snowstorm and I wasn’t feeling too good. My Braxton Hicks contractions were becoming much stronger and more regular and every time I went to the bathroom I was paranoid that my water had broken and I didn’t know about it. I made sure my “going to the hospital” outfit was ready and our hospital bags were packed and ready to go.
I actually managed to get a few hours of deep sleep that night - which was a rarity for me, still is! - I woke up at 3am after the power flickered. I got up to turn our fan back on, went to the bathroom and got back into bed. Half an hour later the power flickered again and Mike actually woke up this time. Just as I was about to get out of bed, my water broke with a gush. I soaked through my pajamas and conveniently managed to miss the towel I had been sleeping on and instead hit the newly changed sheets - of course!
I actually managed to get a few hours of deep sleep that night - which was a rarity for me, still is! - I woke up at 3am after the power flickered. I got up to turn our fan back on, went to the bathroom and got back into bed. Half an hour later the power flickered again and Mike actually woke up this time. Just as I was about to get out of bed, my water broke with a gush. I soaked through my pajamas and conveniently managed to miss the towel I had been sleeping on and instead hit the newly changed sheets - of course!
Mike got up with a jump, phoned the hospital and got everything arranged. Normally you don’t go to the hospital as soon as your water breaks anymore, you wait for contractions to be 5minutes apart. But I tested positive for Group B Strep which is a bacteria that lives in the birth canal which isn’t harmful to me but can be very dangerous if baby comes in contact with it. Because of that reason, as soon as your water breaks you need to be put on a round of antibiotics every 4 hours until the baby is born and you can’t labour for very long.
We hugged my parents, Misha and brother and sister goodbye and headed out to the hospital.
When we got there we were admitted to triage where they put in my IV. I’m like terrified of medical things so I almost passed out when she was putting the IV in haha. Also I white coat every time I got my blood pressure done - which was a lot!
While we were in triage things started to get VERY busy in the birthing unit. Two ladies were delivering at the same time around 5am, and more and more women we filing up triage. I was eager to get my contractions started and Mike and I decided to walk. We walked in circles in the halls for hours taking breaks when the nurses needed to see me or if I needed to use the bathroom. Around 9am the doctor came to see us. Lucky for me my OBGYN was on that day! She checked and saw that I was 4cm dilated! If anything got the labour process sped up I think it was her checking my cervix. Shortly after we met our nurse for the day Sarah (who was beyond fantastic), and she brought us to our birthing suite! Finally a room for myself! I had been getting pretty frustrated being cooped up in triage!
As soon as we got into the room I told the nurse it was getting to be time for me to have my epidural. About an hour later I was sitting up, terrified, shaking and trying to breathe through my contractions whilst not focusing too much on the pain. The Doctor was preping my back for the epidural noticed my lower back being very tight and mentioned I probably have arthritis in my back. The freezing needles I didn’t really notice but the actually epidural hurt like crap! She had to move it around a couple times to get it into a comfortable position. But after that I felt much better asides from how creepy it is not being able to feel your legs very well!
We hugged my parents, Misha and brother and sister goodbye and headed out to the hospital.
When we got there we were admitted to triage where they put in my IV. I’m like terrified of medical things so I almost passed out when she was putting the IV in haha. Also I white coat every time I got my blood pressure done - which was a lot!
While we were in triage things started to get VERY busy in the birthing unit. Two ladies were delivering at the same time around 5am, and more and more women we filing up triage. I was eager to get my contractions started and Mike and I decided to walk. We walked in circles in the halls for hours taking breaks when the nurses needed to see me or if I needed to use the bathroom. Around 9am the doctor came to see us. Lucky for me my OBGYN was on that day! She checked and saw that I was 4cm dilated! If anything got the labour process sped up I think it was her checking my cervix. Shortly after we met our nurse for the day Sarah (who was beyond fantastic), and she brought us to our birthing suite! Finally a room for myself! I had been getting pretty frustrated being cooped up in triage!
As soon as we got into the room I told the nurse it was getting to be time for me to have my epidural. About an hour later I was sitting up, terrified, shaking and trying to breathe through my contractions whilst not focusing too much on the pain. The Doctor was preping my back for the epidural noticed my lower back being very tight and mentioned I probably have arthritis in my back. The freezing needles I didn’t really notice but the actually epidural hurt like crap! She had to move it around a couple times to get it into a comfortable position. But after that I felt much better asides from how creepy it is not being able to feel your legs very well!
I had visits from my family and not much longer after that Doctor Jana came in to do another check. It was around 11:45 and I was 9 1/2cm dilated! Dr. Jana wanted me to wait a while and lay on my right side to get the baby to turn into the right position. Mike sat next to me the whole time, holding my hands and stroking my legs when thy started to shake from nerves. He was absolutely my saving grace during the whole process - still is.
As my epidural started getting stronger and stronger and creeping up further I was hoping it would be time to push. Sure enough at 1:30pm we were given the go ahead to start pushing. The nurse and Mike had to physically move my 95% limp body into the right position and I started pushing. Little did I know that my mom was standing just outside the door the whole time listening and trying not to intrude. After a while the nurse called for Dr. Jana and a birthing nurse and so many people flooded the room, the lights turned on and I started pushing harder and harder. Dr. Jana told me mom was just outside and I told her she could come in if she wanted. She stood next to Mike and helped me through the last few pushes. The hardest part was the shoulders I think, her head got a little stuck but once that was out I was so exhausted. But at 3:59pm I heard Mike say “It’s a girl! We have a girl Christine!” They plopped her slimy white screaming body on my chest and I just sat there in awe and exhaustion. I couldn’t believe it! Not long after that they took her to get clean and checked out as Dr. Jana and a nurse proceeded to get out the placenta and stitch up my tearing - gross!
As my epidural started getting stronger and stronger and creeping up further I was hoping it would be time to push. Sure enough at 1:30pm we were given the go ahead to start pushing. The nurse and Mike had to physically move my 95% limp body into the right position and I started pushing. Little did I know that my mom was standing just outside the door the whole time listening and trying not to intrude. After a while the nurse called for Dr. Jana and a birthing nurse and so many people flooded the room, the lights turned on and I started pushing harder and harder. Dr. Jana told me mom was just outside and I told her she could come in if she wanted. She stood next to Mike and helped me through the last few pushes. The hardest part was the shoulders I think, her head got a little stuck but once that was out I was so exhausted. But at 3:59pm I heard Mike say “It’s a girl! We have a girl Christine!” They plopped her slimy white screaming body on my chest and I just sat there in awe and exhaustion. I couldn’t believe it! Not long after that they took her to get clean and checked out as Dr. Jana and a nurse proceeded to get out the placenta and stitch up my tearing - gross!
Family came in a saw my precious little angel, Everly Grace Hicks, and then we started working on breastfeeding. She didn’t get interested in breastfeeding until day 4. That night Mike and I didn’t get much sleep, we were overwhelmed with the whole day and the fact that we had this little life to care for. I was in a lot of pain and thank goodness Mike stayed, he did the first diaper change, helped me get and around console Everly while she cried.
The next couple days were really hard, we had to stay at the hospital for 48 hours because of the potential for her to be infected by the GBS and then she was also a little bit jaundice so they wanted to watch that.
Day two and three I spent most of the day crying. No one warns you about the crazy immediate change in hormones after birth. And I had a touch of the ‘baby blues”. I wasn’t sad she was born, I was overjoyed, but I was nervous about her feeding, home sick, missing Misha, overwhelmed with everything, feeling under prepared and also very happy It was quite a confusing emotional roller coaster. Again Mike sat with me through that, encouraging me and helping me through every tear.
Night two a nurse suggested we start supplementing Everly’s food with some formula cup feeding. That was so bizarre, feeding a baby with a cup looks hilarious also. Everly didn’t like it much but at least she was getting fluids, I started using the hospital grade breast pump and expressing as much as I could to give to her as well. Day three the lactation consultant came for a visit and taught us the proper positioning and everything and encouraged us that because she was jaundice that meant she wouldn’t be too interested in eating for a few days but it would get better.
We were discharged later that day on the stipulation that we see our family doctor the next day to check her jaundice levels. I was so happy to be home, that night was a long one as we tried formula and breast feeding and pumping every 3 hours. Friday we saw the doctor and his amazing nurse who weren’t too concerned about her jaundice and encouraged us to continue trying to breastfeed her and if we need to we can always bottle feed, theres nothing wrong with that.
The next day after many more tears from both Everly and myself Mike suggested we put what I pump into a bottle and feed her that way instead of with a cup and with formula. We tried that and it instantly sparked her to start suckling properly now she doesn’t even need the bottle stimulation to get going! Woohoo! Breastfeeding is hard, and doesn’t come naturally, so I would encourage all new mothers to give it a good hard try, let yourself cry if you feel over whelmed and lean on support from your spouse and family and if you need to bottle or formula feed, just do it.
I’m so blessed that we’re living with my parents right now because as Mike went back to work this week my mom has been a great help with tiding things up for me, watching Everly when I need to do my own thing and encouraging me through every high and low.
Motherhood isn’t easy, but it’s the best gift I’ve ever received. I wouldn’t trade anything, not the poopy diapers, wailing fits, sleepless nights or sore nipples for the world! God has been so good to us, my labour was only 12 hours long, my baby is healthy and eating now and my support system has been my rock.
The next couple days were really hard, we had to stay at the hospital for 48 hours because of the potential for her to be infected by the GBS and then she was also a little bit jaundice so they wanted to watch that.
Day two and three I spent most of the day crying. No one warns you about the crazy immediate change in hormones after birth. And I had a touch of the ‘baby blues”. I wasn’t sad she was born, I was overjoyed, but I was nervous about her feeding, home sick, missing Misha, overwhelmed with everything, feeling under prepared and also very happy It was quite a confusing emotional roller coaster. Again Mike sat with me through that, encouraging me and helping me through every tear.
Night two a nurse suggested we start supplementing Everly’s food with some formula cup feeding. That was so bizarre, feeding a baby with a cup looks hilarious also. Everly didn’t like it much but at least she was getting fluids, I started using the hospital grade breast pump and expressing as much as I could to give to her as well. Day three the lactation consultant came for a visit and taught us the proper positioning and everything and encouraged us that because she was jaundice that meant she wouldn’t be too interested in eating for a few days but it would get better.
We were discharged later that day on the stipulation that we see our family doctor the next day to check her jaundice levels. I was so happy to be home, that night was a long one as we tried formula and breast feeding and pumping every 3 hours. Friday we saw the doctor and his amazing nurse who weren’t too concerned about her jaundice and encouraged us to continue trying to breastfeed her and if we need to we can always bottle feed, theres nothing wrong with that.
The next day after many more tears from both Everly and myself Mike suggested we put what I pump into a bottle and feed her that way instead of with a cup and with formula. We tried that and it instantly sparked her to start suckling properly now she doesn’t even need the bottle stimulation to get going! Woohoo! Breastfeeding is hard, and doesn’t come naturally, so I would encourage all new mothers to give it a good hard try, let yourself cry if you feel over whelmed and lean on support from your spouse and family and if you need to bottle or formula feed, just do it.
I’m so blessed that we’re living with my parents right now because as Mike went back to work this week my mom has been a great help with tiding things up for me, watching Everly when I need to do my own thing and encouraging me through every high and low.
Motherhood isn’t easy, but it’s the best gift I’ve ever received. I wouldn’t trade anything, not the poopy diapers, wailing fits, sleepless nights or sore nipples for the world! God has been so good to us, my labour was only 12 hours long, my baby is healthy and eating now and my support system has been my rock.
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