I'm back with my list of my top ten baby must haves! These are different then the essentials like clothing, diapers, cribs, high chair etc., these are just a few items I've found have come in handy while looking for a growing baby.
I haven't listed these in any particular order, so lets just dive right in!
1. Nursing Pillow:
If you are planning on breastfeeding your baby then I would definitely suggest investing in a good nursing pillow. But I have also found several other uses, like using as an arm support while you are cradling baby, using as a support if you are bottle feeding, using for tummy time and as your baby grows and begins to sit up on it's own its good to use for there support and to protect from hitting the ground hard if they topple over (which they definitely do!)
I have two nursing pillows, this one in "Hush" which I purchased online with a free promo code I got in a email after signing up for a bunch of baby related baby services and free samples.
I also have a hand-me-down Jolly Jumper brand pillow which I received from my aunt.
The Jolly Jumper brand pillow is much bigger and studier than the one I got for free online, I tend to keep that one upstairs in my bedroom where I nurse Everly when she wakes up and before she goes to bed. The smaller pillow I keep downstairs on the couch where I feed Everly throughout the day.
2. Playmat:
I purchased the Fisher-Price Snugabunny Musical Gym playmat from Winners. Everly loves it, all the different toys hanging, the mirror and it plays music and lights up.
3. Exersaucer:
Everly has always been eager to stand, she hates sitting still and always wants to be standing up. It got to the point where she would just fuss and scream when I laid her down on her play mat (before she discovered how to roll and crawl around). My parents have an exersaucer at their house but it was just too big and bulky for us to keep in our new raised bungalow. So after doing some searching online we found the Evenflow 1-2-3 Tea for Me exersaucer on kijiji.ca for just $20, granted it needed some cleaning and was missing a few toys but she doesn't care and she loves being in it.
4. Food Processor:
If you decide to make your own baby food then having a food processor is a must if you want to get the purees as fine as possible. At first we were using the Baby Bullet, which worked okay for small amounts and very well steamed food, but as soon as I started doing bigger batches and stopped adding water the motor kept burning out. Which I've read is a problem most people have with the baby bullet. Luckily I have a Cuisinart Mini-Prep Plus Food Processor I got as a wedding gift. It's amazing, very powerful and can handle any I throw at it so far. I do love the baby bullet storage containers, they are the perfect serving size for Everly right now and they are kind of adorable. But, that said, don't waste your money on a baby bullet, if you have the choice opt for a heavy duty food processor.
We deiced to make our own baby food because a; its cheaper and b; I know exactly what is going into her little belly. We have purchased, and will continue to purchase Ella's Kitchen organic baby food pouches as well. Which are very handy when we're out at a meal time, or at a restaurant. And Everly loves that she can feed herself with those pouches, she sucks them back in minutes.
5. Baltic Amber Teething Necklace:
Everly has been cursed with never ending teething and no teeth....it's a struggle. She's 8 1/2 months old now and has yet to cut any teeth, but she's been teething since she was about 3 months old. After a lot of tylenol and baby oragel I thought it was time to do some research on the new baby craze - amber teething necklaces. While at first I was hesitant about her wearing a necklace (choking hazard) I talked to some other moms and did some more research online and thought it was worth a try. The science behind the amber is that when the stones are warmed by the skin they release a natural oil that gives off a small amount of anti-inflammatory properties (so it could also be beneficial with people who have chronic pain like arthritis).
We found Everly's necklace at The Baby Shack, a small baby store in Whitby, ON. It was only about $20 and they come in all different sizes and colors. We opted for the necklace, we put it on her ankle in the footie pajamas at night, and the light color amber since she's so pale. The good news is that she doesn't even notice the necklace at all and it seems to help quite a bit, if definitely has reduced her drooling. She does still have teething pain and nights where all she does is chew on her frozen teething toys and cries from pain so we give her some tylenol. So lets all say a little prayer that she sprouts some teeth soon, for all of our sakes.
6. Soft Toys:
All babies need toys, to keep them entertained, to stimulate brain function and to help them learn. Everly has an abundance of soft toys from new ones to my old TY beanie babies, she loves her stuffies. Currently her favorites include: her Dolly (Mooshka Tots) Zana, Huskey stuffed animal and her Minnie and Mickey Mouse.
7. Hard Toys:
Lately as Everly has mastered sitting up by herself she's become increasingly interested in hard toys, such as Weeble Wobbles, Wooden Blocks and Fisher-Price school bus and playhouse. She has become so curious with her hard toys, pulling the toys out of the school bus and house, picking up every single block into her mouth. It's quite fascinating to watch her play with her big girl toys and seeing the excitement and concentration on her face and she grabs each thing.
8. Video Monitor:
When we registered at Babies R Us my husband and I decided we didn't need a fancy new-fangled video monitor, we just decided to buy a regular old analog monitor. We received the video monitor from my mother-in-law for a baby shower gift and can I just say I've totally converted. I don't know what I would do without my video monitor! It's the Summer Infant Peek Plus Video Monitor.
There is such a difference in the quality of sound, it doesn't cut in and out like my cheapy one, and I can actually see my baby! Watch her sleep and move around and check on her whenever I want. With our monitor you can actually download an app on your phone that streams the video feed. My husband loves that because with her nap schedule she sleeps while Mike's on break at work so he gets to check in on her during his break.
9. Mesh Crib Bumper:
The safety standards for infants have drastically changed since I was a child, with these changes comes the big bumper discussion. These days bumpers are not recommended because they increase the risk of SIDs. That being said I was concerned that Everly would get her little arms and legs stuck in the rungs of her crib. Some genius out there developed the Mesh Crib Bumper. We've had no problems with it as of yet and makes me feel a little bit better about her moving around in her sleep. We have a green one, since our nursery was gender neutral when we didn't know what Everly would be, but they come in all different colors to suit any nursery theme. My mom purchased ours at Target, but the generally run for about $30.
10. Sleep Sacks:
Last but not least are sleep sacks. I have to admit when I found out I was pregnant and doing all the baby research and came across sleep sacks, I was a little skeptical. But there's a reason these are so popular. Everly has become a little mover in her crib ever since she learned how to roll and scoot around. I feel so much better about her sleeping in her own room when she's in her sleep sack and her arms are free. It's getting colder here so she has that extra layer of warmth, and she's also free to move around. I can't imagine tucking her in yet, the blankets would tangle her up and it would just be a mess. We usually place her to sleep on her back in the middle of the crib, an hour later I'll look on our monitor and she'll have flipped herself onto her tummy and be sleeping in a corner of her crib.
The only real negative thing I have to say about the Sleep Sack is that her little hands get so so cold. I'd try mittens but I have a feeling she wouldn't be too happy with that.
I actually don't have a photo of her in her sleep sack, we just made the transition into the sleep sacks last month so apparently I have yet to take one!
So there you have it my Top Ten Baby Must Haves. Please let me know if you have anything else you and your absolutely can't live without! I'd love to hear from you!
Until Next Time!