Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013....Hello 2014!

Like many I've decided to write a little reflection piece on my 2013 year.

Much like every year this one had its fair share of highs and lows. We started off the new year with our puppy Misha all gimpy and casted up after having broken his leg just before Christmas. His leg was broken just above the ankle and required surgery to have a steal plate put in. After having to pay that and vet fees for appointments every two weeks for a couple months we were emotionally drained and financially drained. But happy our little guy was on the mend and I was glad for the extra cuddle time as poor Misha wasn't allowed to do too much to strain the break.

In February I started a new job. One of the most stressful jobs I think I've ever had. While I am glad to have moved on I am very grateful for the opportunity and skills I learned. In the end after many teary anxiety attacks and sleepless nights I decided it was time for a change and quit. My home based baking business was picking up a bit and I wanted extra time to focus on that and to spend with my husband and healing pup while looking for a new position with steadier full time/day time hours.

That plan didn't exactly pan out as June came quick and with it a roller coaster of emotions, nausea and a lot of quick trips to the bathroom. I remember joking with Mike "I'm peeing so much I'm either pregnant or I've got diabetes". Sure enough one afternoon we decided we might as well take a test just to rule it out. Turns out the test was positive. I was pregnant. And terrified.

Mike and I had always planned on starting a family, our plan was to wait a few more years when we were more secure financially and owned our own home. Obviously God had another plan, a better plan. So after a few tears we told our families. All have been over joyed and extremely excited for us and the new addition we'll be adding. I have to admit I was quite scared to tell our parents, not because I didn't think they would be happy for us and beyond supportive, but because I knew our financial situation wasn't exactly ideal. But they have been nothing short of wonderful throughout this whole experience.

This summer I spent the majority of my time on the couch with a bucket by my side and soda crackers at the ready. I knew my body would have a hard time with the change in hormones but wasn't expecting my morning sickness to last all day every day. The thing that scared me the most about getting pregnant was the fact that I'd have to had blood drawn regularly, and for a person whose afraid of needles and prone to passing out after receiving needles I wasn't happy! My first trip to the lab they took 9 tubes and I was not a happy camper, especially since two days later I got a call from them saying they didn't have quite enough and I needed to get more drawn. Luckily everything looked great, myself and the baby were perfectly healthy. At the beginning of August in the middle of the night on my husbands birthday I woke up to once again be sick. Although this time blood came up. It was about 3am. I went back to bed, told Mike we'd need to go to Urgent Care first thing in the morning. But after a couple more trips to the bathroom and becoming more and more worried we decided to run to our ER just incase. After waiting for about an hour we saw a doctor who preformed an ultra sound. We got to see our little nugget for the first time! 12 weeks tiny we got to see it on my husbands birthday! How cool! It was bouncing around and doing somersaults! Everything looked perfectly fine and  I was diagnosed with a tear in my stomach lining and prescribed Diclectin to help with my morning sickness - it's been a life saver! As I'm 8 months along now and STILL suffering from morning sickness. We proudly displayed our first ultra sound pictures to friends and family and suddenly the whole thing became very real.

In September we decided to move out of the house we were renting. We weren't saving any money and with a very generous kind offer from my parents decided it would be the best thing for us now to move into my parents basement until we can afford our own place. It's been a major blessing or an curse probably depending on who you ask lol. Still working in saving money and slowly but surely making our way towards buying a house. Although I do have to admit a big pet peeve that's developed over the past few months is when people ask "so have you found a house yet?" Obviously we haven't because we can't afford it right now, when we have a house you will know.

In November my best friend from America decided to pay us a visit. It was amazing to see her again and catch up. It honestly feels like we see each other everyday, I wish we could. Still trying to convince her to move up here....

December came and went like wild fire full of holiday craziness. Shopping, family get togethers and appointments. We finished our birthing classes which have been a great help at calming my anxiety and fear over my impending labour and delivery. I've accepted the fact that it's coming no matter what, and the joy and love we'll experience when baby makes its appearance is going to be more than worth it.

This year we were blessed to celebrate 4 weddings. So happy for friends who all had beautiful weddings and excited for them and their futures. They better start having kids soon though so ours has some play mates!

We are glad to say goodbye to 2013 and look forward to all 2014 has to offer. Our baby's arrival in February or March, my sister in laws wedding in June, our best couple friends wedding in October, first Christmas with our new baby and everything that comes in between.

I hope you had a wonderful year and have an even better 2014!

And hopefully you'll be seeing more posts from me in the new year!

See you later,
