Hi everyone!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog!
I'm starting a new venture of blogging and vlogging for my own personal sanity and with the hopes of entertaining some of you as well!
I'd like to focus my posts on fashion, beauty and really just life in general.
Here's a little bit of background on me:
My name is Christine, I'm a 23 year old wife and expectant mother! I married my husband Mike two years ago, we bought our first dog - Misha a toy sized Alaskan Klee Kai- just over a year ago, and we are expecting our first child in February 2014.
I'm Canadian, I live in southern Ontario about an hours drive from Toronto.
I've been developing a strong interest in fashion and beauty within the last few years and would like to share that passion with you!
I also run a small home based business called Christine's Cake & Bake, where I bake orders of cakes, cupcakes, cookies and other confectionary treats.
I've been playing around with the idea of starting a blog/vlog for a few weeks now, really just to give myself something to do. I'm currently a stay at home wife with way too much time on my hands! So as fall rolls in I thought there was no better time to start something new! I've been following quite a few youtubers for a while now (Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Tanya Burr, Daily Grace, livelavalive, Andreas Choice etc.) and my interests and influence stems a lot from them, so hopefully if you like the same channels I do you'll find my posts interesting as well.
Coming up!
Within the next few days/weeks I'm hoping to throw up some new posts including Summer Favorites, Introduction to Misha my Alaskan Klee Kai, thoughts on impending motherhood and some pregnancy symptoms I've been dealing with, baking posts including favorite recipes and pics, a wedding post etc.
Heres a few pics!
Our Wedding Aug 2011
Mike and I in May, when my hair was bright red because I was working as a receptionist at a hair salon! Right now my hair is back to dark brown/black
Baby Misha!
My favorite picture of baby Misha and his hedgehog!
Please feel free to comment and share with your friends! See you soon!